Video and animation stills - for viewing the complete works please contact

Quase, 2018 - 2-channel video (50'' and 40'') - color, silent, loop

Both videos should be shown 2 separate monitors or projections, with the trains running into each other. The video installation "Quase" [Almost] is comprised of two animations. An image of two coconut trees, captured from a faded tourist advertisement about Brazil in Buenos Aires, naturally loaded with exoticism and melancholic cliché, is interrupted by an Argentinian train as the starting point. The process involves the overlapping of layers, marked with carbon paper, cuts and folds, finalized by scanning, creating a time-space disorder. They have different durations, gaining more and more disparity while being shown in a loop. Never in synch and, therefore, never repeated.

Blackout, 2012 (video animation, 2 min loop, color, silent)

The video animation Blackout is a short sequence of over 700 drawings, collages, frames and images of Dubai produced and manipulated through repeating a few basic actions, such as folding, copying, cutting, mirroring. The resulting animation refrains from creating any narrative,becoming almost abstract. The power lines, cables, and work as central elements, both directly and, by being sliced out and subtracted from the image, allowing rapid visions of an imaginary sky to appear.

Billboard, 2011 (video animation, 4:15 min loop, color, silent)

The video animation is made from re-drawn/collaged stills of a worker from the outskirts of Sao Paulo gluing together a billboard during the time billboards were outlawed. Paper is used as a physical object as well as a malleable record of the real.

Meronumero, 2011 (video animation, 4:00 min loop, color, silent)

Discarded billboards that have printing errors are used as a platform in this video animation

Cegueira, 2008 (video animation, 2:15 min loop, color, silent)

Cegueira is comprised of a series of drawings and photographs, in excess of 600 images each, collected predominately from Sao Paulo and condensed into a complex animated sequence. Physical properties of digital video, such as interlace, are used as structure for the horizontality of the blinds, as well as of images in movement.

DeleveleD, 2009 (video animation, 01:00 min loop, color, silent)

Using drawings and collage frame by frame, DeleveleD (2007) is structured around a body that moves through time and space. The loop of time is mirrored with a spiral staircase. The space of modernist sleekness is broken into the precarious, decorative chaos, and technological seamlessness is disrupted with the handmade

Natureza Morta, 2009. (video animation, 1:00 min loop, color, silent)

Natureza Morta is assembled from recording the daily setup of a fruit vendor in a rural town in Argentina. Combined with excerpts taken from still life paintings of fruit, from works by both renowned masters and anonymous painters, the material is then painstakingly collaged and drawn upon, and ultimately compressed into a single animation.